Line Height: Good design involves appropriate line height, with the recommended range being 1.1 to 1.3 times the text size for headings and 1.3 to 1.5 times for body text. This improves readability and the overall aesthetic of the design.

Letter Spacing: Adjusting the space between characters, known as letter spacing, can enhance the design. Negative letter spacing is suggested for headings to add a certain crispness but should be avoided for body text to maintain readability.

Text Alignment: Avoid center-aligning long paragraphs, as it can slow down reading speed. For anything that spans more than three lines of text, left alignment is recommended. Also, avoid mixing alignments between headings and body text.

Text Width: Based on a study by The Baymard Institute, long lines of text can overwhelm users, leading to less engagement and lower conversions. A good range to maintain is 50 to 75 characters for body text, with around 600 pixels width for a desktop screen.

Hierarchy: Avoid overusing text sizes to indicate hierarchy. Try to stick to two different font sizes, using font weight and color changes for hierarchy.

Spacing: Consider the space between text elements; elements with closer relationships should be positioned closer. Use multipliers to maintain consistent spacing between elements.