git init: create new local repo

git add: add file to staging

git commit -m "commit message": commit changes to the repo

git status: tells what branch you’re currently on & changes

git clone clone a repo (remote & local) into the directory you’re in

git remote add origin detail the URL of the remote repo you’re gonna use for your project (need to create the remote repo first). To change: git remote set-url origin

git remote -v: list current remote repo you’re using

git push: upload committed changes to remote repo

git branch: list all available branches on repo & the branch you’re on. To create new branch: git branch <new branch name>

git checkout newBranch: move to another branch

git pull: pulls code from remote repo and combines with local repo.

git diff anotherBranch: view differences between the current branch and another. Visual tools like Meld are often used for better view.

git merge anotherBranch: merge the current branch with another. Changes are put in the current branch, not in another.

git log: list all previous commits in repo

Go back to a previous commit and force push: $ git reset --hard <commitID> && git push --force This will delete all the commits after that commit on GitHub.

git reset HEAD .: unstage all files