Both text-align: center and margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; can be used to center elements, but they apply to different types of elements and scenarios.

text-align: center

  • Purpose: This property centers inline-level content (like text, inline elements, and inline-block elements) within a block-level container.

  • Use Case: Use this when you want to center text or inline elements within a parent container.

margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;

  • Purpose: This method centers block-level elements within their parent container by automatically adjusting the left and right margins to be equal.

  • Use Case: Use this when you want to center a block-level element, like a div, with a specified width.


When you turn an inline element into a block element using display: block, and it doesn’t center with margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;, it is likely because the block element spans the full width of its parent container by default. To center a block element using margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;, the element must have a defined width that is less than the width of its parent container.