Accordions simplify pages with long content & minimize scrolling. They reduce visibility & increase interaction cost.
An accordion is made up of:
- Heading
- Icon: show the state of the accordion
- Panel: hidden content
Accordions are a type of progressive disclosure. → control & freedom
- Reduce clutter & cognitive load
- Minimize scrolling
- Give an overview of the page: so users can quickly find what they need on the page
- Improve scannability: accordions help organize info in chunks, digestible sections
Usability issues:
- Fragment access to info: if users need to access to info from most or all accordions → interrupt interaction → loss of context. This problem can be worse if an accordion auto closes when another is opened.
- Increase interaction cost: scroll, scan headings, decide which one to expand, target the click, wait for content to appear can be burdensome.
- Compromise discoverability: users may miss valuable hidden content, especially when headings aren’t descriptive enough.
Make sure accordions are accessible for keyboard & screen-reader users. → heading should function as button; screen readers announce state change when opened/collapsed; when collapsed, hidden content should be unreachable visually & programmatically.
Accordions are not optimized for printing. Users must expand all to print, or when one auto-closes when another is opened, it is cumbersome. Consider adding Expand All button or expand automatically at print preview.
Audience’s needs: common & critical use cases? Can they find answers more efficiently?
Your content: Fit accordion style? Alternative navigation tools or design patterns?
When to use:
- Users only need a few info on the page.
- Main task is a logical, step-by-step process: simplify multi-step flows & make it less overwhelming for users. eg. Checkout steps - Shipping address, gift options, payment methods
- Info in each section is independent & don’t need simultaneous access to multiple sections: FAQs, product details
- Long content, small window size: mobile devices
When to avoid:
- Users want most or all content on the page to find answers: eg. Application Requirements page for students
- Little content on page: accordions make page empty & seems like there’s no valuable info → users abandon the page
- Content has deep hierarchy with multiple sublevels: confuse users → alternatives can be tabs or vertical local navigation
- Content is scattered & hard to summarize: hard to find headings that can convey what is hidden
- Continued flow of reading: news articles, narratives
Considerations when implementing:
- Heading accrurately reflects content: impact findability, discoverability, accessibility
- Visual design indicates that accordion can be expanded: caret, plus icons
- Both heading & icon are clickable
- Allows open/collapse multiple sections at a time. Consider Expand All or Collapse All
- Avoid hiding crucial info within collapsed panels
Design recommendations
- Using the caret icon seems to be the safest choice for mobile menus.
- Don’t have icons & text labels link to different actions because users may tap on both the text label and the icon to open the accordion.
- If a menu item links directly to a landing page, don’t put a right-aligned icon as it confuses with opening a submenu accordion.